Hartford Food System is proud to present…
Hartford Harvest Farm Share
Secure 18 weeks of local:
• Vegetables
• Fruits
• Value Added Items
Or for more information contact Alyssa Jones • alyssa@hartfordfood.org
Hartford Food System is proud to present…
Hartford Harvest Farm Share
Secure 18 weeks of local:
• Vegetables
• Fruits
• Value Added Items
Or for more information contact Alyssa Jones • alyssa@hartfordfood.org
Hartford Food System was founded in 1978. Since then, we have been dedicated to finding long-term solutions for access to affordable and healthy food in our home city of Hartford. Our goal for our work is a healthy, culturally responsive, and just community food system that meets the needs of all residents. We advance this goal through programs that improve healthy food access while we advocate for a robust and economically sound food system and responsible food policies.
Hartford Food System engages in a system-based approach that focuses on the root causes of food system issues— we recognize the importance of emergency food activities, but believe that long term answers will be found in non-emergency and sustainable approaches. An important element of our work links the wellbeing of our urban community with democratic concepts of food sovereignty, food justice, and an equitable food economy.
with many others, including public agencies, people experiencing food insecurity, businesses and other nonprofit organizations, farmers and food producers, and many volunteers. We base our work on the following strategies:
to healthy food sources;
between food consumers and the agricultural sources of healthy food;
capacity to advocate for a healthy and just food system; and
that improve the availability, the affordability and the quality of food.
Hartford Food System was founded in 1978. Since then, we have been dedicated to finding long-term solutions for access to affordable and healthy food in our home city of Hartford.